Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Med update

Ok lets see..As of 10/20 I have been told that I have to have my gall bladder removed,YAY sounds like loads of fun.Still waiting on my CT Scan results on my liver to come back.Also waiting on my blood work results.
So PLEASE keep your fingers and toes crossed for me and any of you that believe say a prayer for my health.
On a more up note,the kids are doing great.Josh and Nicky are both bowling Sat. morning Pinheads league.Josh is also a part of the Travel Team.So busy Saturdays,all day at bowling alleys,YAY!!! LOL
Still missing our daughter like crazy,but she is doing great in New York with Bonnie,Will and the kids.Of course they just got a little bigger and crazier with the arrival of the 5th Parker baby..Congrats guys..
Billy is working like crazy,Winter rush has hit..Lots of OT!!!His bosses are trying to convence him to take the management position.So we will see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't gotten any of these updates yet, so bad news! :( I will definetely keep you in my prayers! I love you and hope everything will be OK!