Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Babies everywhere

Congradualtions also have to go to our dear friends Dee

and Dennis Lewis..

Thier son Daniel

and his fiance just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy..

little Darren Ray Lewis!!!!


The two newest Barkers

We have also had TWO new Barkers added in the past couple months..

On February 16th 2009 we welcomed a bouncing baby boy to the family.Kelly Michele and her fiance Justin Crandell

gave birth to

Logan Robert Charles Crandall
7 # 6 oz and 21 inches

And on March 14th 2009 Jason and Tiffany

Gave birth to

Savannah Koren
8.5 Pounds and 21inches
WELCOME to the family little ones :)

50 Years....

Well lets start with Congradulations to the best parents any one could ever dream of having..

Ben and Alice Barker just celebrated thier 50th wedding anniversary on March 14th 2009.The family (most of us) all got together on the 15th to help them celebrate.WOW 50 years,can you imagine???

These are some of the pics from that celebration..

Me,Mom and Lisa

Mom and Dad with most of the grandkids!!!

Bob and Stev


Beth,Mom and Dawne

I can't wait till my Hubby and I can look back on 50 years of our life together.I only hope that we are as close to our kids and they to each other to have such a wonderful time.