Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pics from NY

Bonnie sent some pics of our daughter,the kids and the beautiful NY fall colors!!!

You have got to LOVE the colors...GORGEOUS!!!!

My buddy Daders... That grin just melts my heart :)

Our baby girl..This is her back-to-school fashion show.. She has grown so much in just a couple months.. Love ya baby...

Ty-Austin and Gavin...They are getting so big
Miss Attitude Parker..my "turkey butt" Nevaeh

Med update

Ok lets see..As of 10/20 I have been told that I have to have my gall bladder removed,YAY sounds like loads of fun.Still waiting on my CT Scan results on my liver to come back.Also waiting on my blood work results.
So PLEASE keep your fingers and toes crossed for me and any of you that believe say a prayer for my health.
On a more up note,the kids are doing great.Josh and Nicky are both bowling Sat. morning Pinheads league.Josh is also a part of the Travel Team.So busy Saturdays,all day at bowling alleys,YAY!!! LOL
Still missing our daughter like crazy,but she is doing great in New York with Bonnie,Will and the kids.Of course they just got a little bigger and crazier with the arrival of the 5th Parker baby..Congrats guys..
Billy is working like crazy,Winter rush has hit..Lots of OT!!!His bosses are trying to convence him to take the management position.So we will see.

Welcome Baby Parker

YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS to Bonnie and Will For thier precious baby boy.
WELCOME to the family Aiden Benjamin Joel Parker,born October 20,2008..
Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Billy can't wait for pics..And really can't wait to meet you.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fam updates..

Currently have some medical testing and etc going.So for anyone that has some extra good wishes to spare I could use them.
The family is expecting 3 new members between now and March 2009.I have two of my lovely nieces and one niece-in-law that are expecting.So YAY!!!
Only 13 days till my hubby and I celebrate our SEVENTENTH anniversary,not bad since everyone expected it to not last.
Nothing much going on,I know really boring family.LOL